Questions about Armenia Quindio  festival 

how is Armenia Quindio  weather

It has an approximate population of 100,000 , it has a varied climate with temperatures that fluctuate according to the thermal floors,  Its average temperature 70 degrees Fahrenheit. 

Is the Armenia tango  venue close/walking distance to shops and salons?  

Armenia city  is 20 minutes  distance 

Is each little house at the hotel a single accommodation for each set of guests or multiple guests? If it is multiple bedrooms is there multiple bathrooms? 

Each Village has  5 rooms ,each room has a private bathroom 

How far away is the dance venue? 

All activities  are  in the same venue 

Is breakfast and dinner buffet at the site where we dance? 

The hotel has a restaurant  for breakfast an dinners  for lunch there are plenty restarurants around

Will the instructors and taxis be in the same village nearby for privates?

They  will be in a hotel close to the venue 

Is there an outside milonga for this venue?   

No ,but we are planning to have a show in a theatre 

How would we arrange for transportation to go to town? And what hours could we arrange?

We will arrange a transportation for you any time you need to go to the city  ,you will be in charge of transportation back to the hotel 

Does this hotel have an ATM for exchange of dollars to pesos?

Will be a person in the lobby  to exchange dollars 

The day tours will be similar but just a different city?
